You may donate to CCDC using either ActBlue, PayPal, or a credit card. To use a credit card, fill out the PayPal form and click the button. PayPal will offer you the option to use a credit card. You do not need PayPal account to use this option.
The Federal Elections Commission requires that each donor furnish basic contact information to satisfy U.S. election finance laws. ActBlue will direct you to a questionnaire on their site to collect that information. For PayPal and credit cards, we ask that you fill out the required information below and click the PayPal button.
Thanks for your support!
Use the form below to enter your FEC information, and click the PayPal button to complete your donation. To use a debit or credit card, choose “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” on the next page. By submitting this form, you affirm that you are a citizen of the United States.