The next General Meeting is at 9 a.m. on Saturday, . Join us!
>> NEW LOCATION! 17126 Mountain Run Vista Ct. <<



Our goal is to get out the vote and elect Democratic Party candidates for national and state level. profile in the community. To do that, we:

— Work with candidates to help them get on the ballot

— Help with voter registration drives, write postcards, canvass

— Help get out the vote

— Distribute campaign signs and literature

— Sponsor events to help our candidates.

— Participate in community events such as CulpeperFest, CulpeperPalooza, and Pride Day.

— Volunteer at the polls.

— Serve on town and county citizens commissions.

Interested in any of these volunteer opportunities? Please contact Joseph Smith, Vice-Chair Precinct Operations or Ed Dunphy, Vice-Chair Community Operations.

Are you a resident of Culpeper County between the ages of 13 and 35? Join the Culpeper Young Democrats here!

Volunteer for Abigail Spanberger! Click here for a list of upcoming training events.

Citizens’ Boards and Commissions

CCDC members are encouraged to apply for positions on a variety of Citizens’ boards in both Town and County government.

Culpeper County Citizens’ Boards

Town of Culpeper Citizens’ Boards

Need more information? Contact us!


General membership meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month. We meet at the Association of Social Work Boards at 17126 Mountain Run Vista Ct., Culpeper. There is often a guest speaker, as well as a discussion of community concerns. Guests are always welcome. If you’re someone who leans Democratic, or you’re just Democrat-curious, we hope you’ll join us. Everyone in the community is invited to attend.

The Executive Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the conference room at the Culpeper County Democrats Office at 411 S. Main St. CCDC Members are welcome to attend.

Stream the meeting over Google Meets.

View the minutes from past meetings.

Visit Us

Visit our new office at 411 S. Main St. Regular hours are 10 a.m. until 2 p.m, Monday through Friday. If the blue flag is flying, we’re open!

At the office, you can:

  • Become a member
  • Explore ways to volunteer
  • Make a donation
  • Sign a petition
  • Say hello!


If you wish to join CCDC, you may complete an online application, or use the link below to download our Membership form.


Social Media

Join the conversation!

Click here for the Bluesky Virginia Local Democratic Committees Starter Pack

Local & State News

Culpeper Star-Exponent

Foothills Forum

Virginia Mercury

The Virginia Public Access Project

Local & State Community Organizations

Culpeper Young Democrats

The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia

Culpeper Literacy Council

Virginia Grassroots

Contact your Representatives

Write, email or call your representatives! Drop by our office and make yourself comfortable while you contact a legislator. Our blue Accountability Box has everything you need to handwrite a letter, learn to use the 5 Calls app, or find a legislator online, including general information and scripts. DO TRY THIS AT HOME!

Click here to view the information in the box. Here’s a our congressional reps to get you started:

Senator Mark Warner
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: (202) 224-2023

Senator Tim Kaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4024

Representative Eugene Vindman
1005 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515
Phone: (202) 225-2815